Our Clinical Approach
The journey to health is a collaborative process, so we ensure individuals are active participants in their treatment. This requires a blend of evidence-based practices, self-exploration, and experiential group activities focused on access and choice. Our goal: stabilization, reduction in symptoms, and recovery.
Quality clinical expertise
We begin by identifying strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences to determine the Desired Outcome of Treatment (DOT). From there, we formulate a treatment plan between the individual, clinical teams, and their circle of support.
Comprehensive therapeutic services
Our community includes people of all ages, abilities, stories, and strengths. With our spectrum of services, we can uniquely blend structured therapy schedules with individualized activities to reach DOTs and ultimately, celebrate achievements.
Positive therapeutic experience
We have a passion for promoting independence and improving quality of life. Every treatment is based respect, empathy, and dignity to promote self-determination.